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If you have not heard of sea salt before, it is probably because the old method of cooking your food was using just water to cook with. Nowadays though, you have many different types of salts available for you to use. The most common one is a granular kind of salt, while others include different flavors like vanilla, cinnamon, and even coffee. Before you go out and buy one of these new salts though, you should know a few facts about them first.First, when you buy sea salt, you want to make sure that you are getting the highest quality possible. If you buy one that has lower quality salt in it, it will actually get even saltier as time goes on, which will ruin your food faster than you think. Do not fall for the marketing ploy of putting as many crystals on the table as you can. When the crystals get wet, they tend to stick together and solidify instead of separating into smaller pieces. This makes the food less tasty and more likely to get stuck on your finger.Second, if you buy sea salt that is organic, then you want to make sure that it is certified. It would be nice if it was something like "natural" instead of "certified natural", but it is still better to get one that is certified natural rather than synthetic, and organic. Be a Naturalist and Buy Sea Salt and organic are not the same thing, and even synthetic does not really have much taste to it as far as food goes.Third, do not just buy sea salt that is from the store. I know that this may seem like a good idea since you are buying in bulk, but there are just too many variables that you need to know about the ingredients before you spend your money. You want to make sure that the sea salt that you purchase is one that contains things like Kaolin, which helps retain moisture in your food, as well as the silica which helps with the absorption of moisture and other nutrients.Fourth, when you buy sea salt, you want to check the label so that you can make sure that you know what you are buying. Health Benefits of Sea Salt will actually contain "tannins", which will make your food less delicious, and cause it to have the flavor of bitter, with a metallic taste to it. This is also something that you do not want to put into your food, as it can make your food go rancid before you even finish it off. If you are unsure, go ahead and get another type of salt, which will be more balanced.Fifth, when you buy sea salt, you should make sure that it has been heated properly. Some people like to use a microwave or even a stove top, which can both over heat your food. So, in order to avoid this, you should be able to take some of the seal off the bag, so that you can heat it up in your oven or the microwave first. This will help keep the food more tender and make it taste better as well.Sixth, when you buy sea salt, make sure that you read the labels on it carefully and try to find a brand that has a longer shelf life. There are How to Benefit From Salt of sea salts, and some of them can actually turn bad if they sit around on the shelf for long periods of time. Always use your best judgment in regards to what you buy, and you will find that you end up saving a lot of money over the years.So, now that you know a little bit more about how to buy sea salt, you should be able to make better decisions as far as what to buy next time around. Even though it may sound confusing, all you need to do is to go online and look for a few different brands of sea salt, and get your hands on some bags to give to your family. They will love it.