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Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you army a 10 discount code of the jelly store. Why am i saying army because gta released an armored car, wow wow wow? That thing right? There is pretty strong, it's basically an armored pickup truck that we're gon na use to mess up this game, and you know what, if you wan na, see more gta. I need people to press that, like button at 70, 000 likes we'll do some more gta and also press subscribe, because only 30 of you watching are actually subscribed. So please look at those stats. It'S horrible whoa guys! Look at these bulletproof videos come on josh. Okay, josh is back with the pulse gun. Why do you always have to do it? Where'S mine, [ Laughter, ] right, so these are army vehicles that we can upgrade to the max and they will be the strongest army vehicles. Gta i've ever seen right, strongest ever army jelly. What strongest oh we're gon na do like a street, i knew josh was gon na. Do this yeah all right are there are the tires bulletproof they're? Not. hope we can make them. I literally can't drive now it was already bad. I don't have tires now. Ah, you know what, though, i'm very tired of josh [ Music ]. How did i start it? God all right, we're here, we're probably the last one to the party. But yes, my vehicle is going to be customized too. Would you look at this beautiful army truck that has no tires, oh by the way 10 percent discount court army have. I said that before jelly get yourself, some merch all right repair, much better. First things: first armor we're gon na need that, because i'm playing with josh in this game. Second thing: bodywork, roll bar okay, so we've already experienced josh rolling around in this car, so robert's gon na be convenient. Wait! What a canopy whoa look at these armored panels with a backpack hanging off the side. What'S with the backpack, this has been random, isn't it and then a canopy armor, oh wow! This is a proper army truck guys, although i'm gon na be honest, i don't like the way this looks. I wish we could only do the canopy frame, but i actually think the chrome, gladiator roll bar looks the best we're gon na, buy that one for now and we'll come back to it later brakes. Obviously, the best one: bumpers: okay, front: bumpers! Oh wait! This is the bottom bumper. We got a little bit of a a wire thing added to the front, so we can tow some cars in case. We need to oh a low profile bumper. I like the wide ones more, do we go with a chrome one or a black one, we're going with chrome off-road and for the rear? Let'S have a look. We have oh whoa whoa. Look at these look at these. Oh, i like that. A bunch of different bumpers - oh, that is a cool one. Wait, that's also the most expensive one. I like that. A lot of chrome looks good chassis, uh. What storage racks ammo boxes camo nets, this one kind of looks the best in my opinion, because we got the jerry cans. Then we have this one. I would go with the most expensive one, probably more important, since where can we upgrade doors in this game? This is a sick truck, oh whoa, plate to doors. Okay plated might look cool, it's just a little bit different and it goes a little bit with the chrome. You know exhaust where's, the current exhaust. Oh, it's here, it's absolutely giant, but we can move it to the bottom. I like it at the top, though, and we're gon na do the dual high exhaust yup, the grill. Oh i'm looking for something with chrome, something cool, whoa yo. What what is this? I like it now i can change the hood, we can add some bags. Can i still see out. This is a weird truck guys. This is a weird truck. I might go with the bags. I like the bags, it's a bit different. You know what i'm saying lights: okay, obviously we'll go extend on lights and we need green neon. You know green just so happened to be the color that the army uses talking about color. It'S time we change the color. Oh that's very bright. What about the secondary color? What does that change? Okay, that kind of maybe we should make the entire vehicle chrome and just have some some green marks here and there? Oh, it looks great on the net all right should we have a look at the at the livery wait. Camo is only on it's not on chrome. Let'S make everything green something's wrong with my vehicle. My vehicle is in chrome and i can't change it anymore. Oh there we go. Oh that's a bit: much, isn't it okay. We can apparently change the roof as well. A roof rack plated roof, oh or some boxes. Okay, we already have plenty of storage, so we're going with the plated one. I think [ Laughter ]. Yes, yes, we're gon na change the tires. This is so lit, make sure to make them bulletproof all right. Now, i'm going to do the finishing touches and then you'll see the vehicle. When it's done now, i've got a scratch, wait, never mind. I have an army truck, it really doesn't matter, wait, no, don't blow it up, don't blow it up, don't blow it up. No josh! Please! I just who's got a scratch. Now he's got a scratch down josh. It doesn't matter all right, guys i'll go first i'll. Go first, ladies and gentlemen, i present to you: can i do my introduction? No, how do i fix my account being so so rude? Ladies and gentlemen, i introduce the bulldozer. Forget he gives him random names. Yeah, that's not a that's, not a bulldozer. That'S just! Oh really, really this thing will lift you up. Quainter trust me all right, so obviously get out of this at the front lifted me up. Lift me up. Oh, what are [ Applause. ] josh landed on the dodgers, my turn they are still chrome bars at the top, but i painted them josh welcome to the crater vehicle. I call this give it a name tiger. Oh i like that. Wait. Guys is the front wheel like a bit caved in. It'S fine josh. You got ta, stop man all right, you know. The good thing is these vehicles are basically bulletproof gosh and we're gon na have to test that. Oh wait, yeah yeah stay still went stay still. We need to test the bulletproof window on the side. Wait, why is no? It'S not bulletproof, just don't vote it free all right. This tiny little hole all right and finally, we're gon na check out mine. Oh sorry, jelly i didn't know you guys is such a mess josh. What do you have to say? What'S the name of yours, so mine is the red and black car whoa. I just knew that josh would go with a name like that named carl wheel. It has four wheels uh yeah and it's a car. It has a steering wheel, very boring. I think it's time we drive this thing to the airport and give it a proper spin crooked. What did you do? I said that i said that no one believe me, i don't even see that yo mine shines man, mine shines. Look at that chrome, bling bling! You get believers, of course, all right. Well, let's see how they perform first, well back speed when it when it comes when it comes to you know the visuals. I think my car definitely looks the best just saying. Well, that's my comment, section gosh that was very rude. He also sent me out spinning dude. This thing is [ Music ]. We need to go left here to go to the airport. Oh you want to go to the airport. Thank you. Thank you. So much. We said community airport communication is key. You know all right. Maybe listening is key. Well, i didn't listen to you saying airport, so whose fault was it really yours guys and just use this car for something good? Now, whoa yeah? We are definitely ramming under cars carter. The canopy, on top of your thing, it just looks a little bit odd. You know what i mean. The reason why i have it is because i'm not actually in the military they use me to transport cows. You use yours to transport, cows, yeah, yeah, really uh. You really fell. Tanner. Give me your best mood yeah. That county is putting down sorry, that cow yeah, it's crazy, you're, calling me a cow. I also want to take this off a jump. This is going to be. I don't want to take this off. No never mind, i did it anyway. Okay, i think it keeps going well for you. You flew off the gate, jump! Oh, it's really raining guys. Where are you josh? I don't think i'm gon na be able to find my way to the airport, guys crainer. It is just just head south: that's right, hitting the jump. Let'S go, quainter doesn't even know what south means nope. Oh, oh, i see the airplane yeah yeah yo, my hood fell off. Here we go all right. I'M at the airport, first jump. Let'S go jump, jump josh. That'S your second jump! No, i didn't really hit the phone. Oh, am i in the way you ruined my stunt job. This is a sick car guys. I love this car. So wonky i don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know mine, looks cool like a proper hummer and craters just looks like a bus. That was pretty good all right. Should we have a race yeah. Let'S do a race wow wow it. My car isn't is wow. It is really wet. Oh there's thunder. How am i gon na do a race when i have a wonky car? Well, that's just how you built your car. You shouldn't have made it wonky. I didn't all right we're gon na. Do the grenade trick again guys line up line up, whoa me and josh are equal and cleaner is just really slow. Wait, look josh, i'm going faster than you yeah wait. Yes, i won. I won jelly. Did you just blow him up yeah? He had probably. Why did they make an armored truck that blows up after one explosion? Oh my god! It'S not that good! Okay! Well, i think that's fully tested yeah. Who else wants to die too? You want to die josh thanks for watching click it to watch another video. Do it now and remember ten percent off at the jelly store using discount code army at checkout all right, bye,